10 Intriguing Synonyms That Enhance Your Vocabulary
By Tushar Kumar
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When something leaves you in awe, consider using astounding instead of amazing. This synonym conveys a sense of wonder and astonishment, making your expression more impactful.
1 - Astounding (Amazing)
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Feeling happy is great, but feeling elated takes it to another level. Elated suggests a heightened state of joy and excitement, perfect for those moments when happiness just isn't enough.
2 - Elated (Happy)
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Instead of saying you're confused, try perplexing. This word indicates a deeper level of bewilderment and can add sophistication to your description of puzzling situations.
3 - Perplexed (Confused)
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When you encounter something exceptionally beautiful, exquisite is a fitting synonym. It conveys a sense of delicate and intricate beauty, elevating your compliment.
4 - Exquisite (Beautiful)
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Tedious is an excellent alternative to boring when describing something dull or monotonous. It emphasizes the repetitive and tiresome nature of the task or experience.
5 - Tedious (Boring)
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For those lively and spirited moments, vivacious is a vibrant synonym. It captures the energetic and enthusiastic essence of a person or atmosphere.
6 - Vivacious (Lively)
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Instead of describing someone as talkative, use loquacious. This word highlights their fondness for conversation and their ability to speak at length, often in an entertaining manner.
7 - Loquacious (Talkative)
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When something is excessively showy or designed to impress, ostentatious is a precise synonym. It suggests a level of extravagance and display that goes beyond the ordinary.
8- Ostentatious (Showy)
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Ebullient is a lively synonym for cheerful. It conveys a sense of bubbling enthusiasm and high spirits, perfect for describing someone with a radiant personality.
9 -Ebullient (Cheerful)
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For a more poetic and profound expression of sadness, melancholy is an excellent choice. It captures a deep, reflective sadness that goes beyond simple unhappiness.