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7 Words Named After Famous People and Their Stories

By Tushar Kumar

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Irish tenants refused to work for this English land agent in 1880, protesting evictions.The practice of organized ostracism took on his name, becoming a widespread protest tactic.

1 - Boycott (Charles Boycott)

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This 18th-century earl supposedly requested meat between bread slices while gambling.His title became the name for this convenient food item, now popular worldwide.

2 -  Sandwich (John Montagu, 4th Earl of Sandwich)

Photo from British History, Facebook

As French finance minister in 1759, he imposed severe economic measures. His name became linked to cheap things, including inexpensive cut-paper profile portraits.

3 - Silhouette (Étienne de Silhouette)

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This women's rights activist promoted loose-fitting pantaloons for women in the 1850s. Though not the inventor, her advocacy led to these garments being named after her.

4 - Bloomers (Amelia Bloomer)

Photo from Saunders Finger Lakes Museum , Facebook

This German physician developed a theory of "animal magnetism" in the 18th century.his practices led to "mesmerize" meaning to captivate or spellbind.

5 - Mesmerize (Franz Mesmer)

Photo from Derbyshire Freemasons, Facebook

A French acrobat who popularized a one-piece garment for his trapeze acts. The tight-fitting garment used by gymnasts and dancers now bears his name.

6 -  Leotard (Jules Léotard)

Photo from ICOM Costume Committee,Facebook

This 9th-century Persian mathematician introduced algebraic concepts to Europe."Algorithm" derives from the Latinized version of his name, Al-Khwarizmi.

7 - Algorithm (Muhammad ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi)

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